The Midnight Music Mix is my newest project. The concept is simple:
We will record on Zoom a 1 to 2.5 minute interview at midnight in the timezone of the professional adult musician (over 30 years old) interviewee. Musicians from all genres are welcome participate in this study. The goal is to have a minimum of 25 professional musicians participate.
The questions to be answered during the interview:
1. What is music?
2. How does "life" impact your music making experience(s)?
3. How does "life" during the COVOD-19 pandemic impact how you listen to music nowadays?
Who can partake:
• Present/former professional musician 30 + years old from anywhere in the world.
• Must have internet access and a computing device to conduct the Zoom interview.
If interested email me at to schedule a time. Interviews will be used for educational purposes and conducted through Zoom and posted/archived on Facebook and YouTube for public appreciation viewing.